Awesome Granola


I'm camping in the middle of Jackson Lake in Teton National Park and I'm still able to Instagram, blog and check my email. Just think, I could have instant coverage of the bear that comes to our camp. You can live the excitement with us. This is our 7th Summer camping here. The first few years we canoed up String Lake and then portaged to Leigh Lake. It was beautiful, but we had a few to many bear encounters. Now we take the boat to Jackson ... ...continue reading

Stuffed Orange French Toast


Here's a little secret.  My husband is a baker, we own a bakery, but....................the best French Toast on the planet is made with a cheap loaf of French Bread from your local grocer.  I'm talking the loaf that is hot at the check stand at about 4pm and costs a buck.  It's perfect for French Toast.  My mom used to make it for us as kids, and the trick is to fry the slices in a bit of oil or butter.  Extremely low calorie, and low fat I ... ...continue reading

Mormon Muffins


There's this great place I used to go to as a kid.  It's called Rainbow Gardens.  It's lovely, and wonderful.  As a kid we'd go bowling there for birthday parties.  They had the best penny candy selection as well as sticker collection.  And they had the best Christmas displays.  You could find all sorts of fun gifts there, or if you really liked someone, you'd get their wedding gift there.  The restaurant inside is famous.  It's where all the ... ...continue reading

Breakfast Today


I'm trying out my new mobile app. My brekky on the go! Actually I can't seem to locate my camera so you get the iPhone photo. Since our little get away for Spring Break I'm hooked on this breakfast. My friend R introduced me to this wonderful Kale Hash. We love kale at our home but have limited ourselves to eating it in soup only. Now we eat it a lot. My garden is always bountiful with kale but I'll admit most goes to waste at the end of ... ...continue reading

Ham and Cheese Waffles


Oh ya baby!  These were AMAZING!  This has been a week of pure winners at my home.  Usually when I try a new recipe there are probably more losers than winners, but we've had two in a row.  Tues. nights are a bit crazy for us.  It's most likely the same for most everybody out there.  One night a week, everything that could possibly happen occurs on that one night.  So Tues. nights are "Eat As Fast As You Can" nights, and "Eat Whatever There Is" ... ...continue reading

Cini Minis


Another fun Pinterest find.  These little Cini Minis were a big hit last Sat. morning at the Clawson home.  They whipped up pretty fast, and even when I realized I didn't have powdered sugar to make a glaze to douse them in, they still tasted lovely.  I've been told by a very good source though, that if you put enough butter and cinnamon sugar on something, it will taste good.  He was referring to yams, and squash, but I think his, are words to ... ...continue reading

Roasted Pears For Brekky


We just returned from the annual Great Harvest convention this last week.  It was in beautiful, warm San Diego.  We just didn't see the warm part:)  Most of the time we were there, there was a winter storm warming.  The weather was cold, and rainy, but still, California is always warmer than Utah no matter how you cut it. Jimmy wore his puffy coat to the airport, and planned to just pack it up in his bag for the rest of the trip.  Let me tell ... ...continue reading

Power Waffles


So breakfast they say, is the most important meal of the day.  I could probably eat breakfast foods for every meal of my day.  Let's say waffles for brekky, egg on toast for lunch, and french toast for din- din.  That would be an ideal day in my book.  Granted there would have to be lots of fresh berries, some whipping cream, and a fresh squeezed juice.  Maybe one day this week I'll try this:)  We could mix it up a bit with some Huevos Rancheros, ... ...continue reading

Pumpkin Spice Scones


I am finally in to fall.  It came yesterday.  Maybe it was the fact that Jimmy and I flew in yesterday from a lovely holiday and had a little layover in Denver.  Denver was smack dab in the middle of winter.  5 inches of snow on the runway.  Planes waiting forever to get de-iced, and cold white stuff falling.  I decided right there and then that Fall is AWESOME!    I will love it as long as it will stay.We came home to happy kids, (they were ... ...continue reading

Lovely Ladies


Jimmy building the coop.  Seth helped.  Kind of.Secretly I love this song.  We are huge Les Miserables fans at our house, but I'm afraid my Jimmy usually skips this song when it comes up on the play list.   We don't need children asking what lovely ladies are quite yet do we?  But deep down inside I LOVE to sing this song.  It's a little scandalous, and sassy, and I just like being that way sometimes.   But I'm posting about some other lovely ... ...continue reading