Yeasted Waffles


I have a favorite waffle recipe.  I do, but I think  we have a new favorite at our house when it comes to these little Saturday morning breakfast delicacies.   A few months ago I taught my very last Macey's class.  It was a little sad.  I've been teaching these classes for the last 9 years if you can imagine.  It's always been a lot of fun, and I have loved getting to know all the ladies and the few gents that came to my class.  We never made ... ...continue reading



Yummy White Chocolate Marshmallow Popcorn,  beautiful spring Emma with a bouquet of the first signs of Spring in Avon- Curly Jacks, Orange Rolls my personal fave, Gingersnap Fruit Pizza, Dilly Rolls, Creme Brulee Berry Pie AKA "Navine Pie- Oh My!"I think this is my Granny's favorite thing on the planet, Chinese Pork Roast James' favorite Sunday dinner, Scones, Potato Fennel and Leek Gratin, Sheet Pan Sugar CookiesThanks Colette, Curly Jacks, ... ...continue reading

GIngerbread Waffles


Even on a paper plate they are delish!Who says you have to eat Gingerbread only during Christmas.  I love it in June.  I love it in Sept.  I love it especially on Sunday when I have a Ziploc of these little babies in my church bag.  I don't even have children young enough to justify taking these to church to keep them happy.  I just love munching on them anytime.  If you aren't a Gingerbread lover then...................shame on you!  (I was told ... ...continue reading

Gra-No-La Baby!


I love, love, love this granola.  I don't think there is anything quite as lovely as a bowl of good yogurt, some fresh blackberries or raspberries, and a generous amount of homemade granola.  There isn't!  Nothing beats it for brecky (that's breakfast in Australian) or mid day snack, or late night snack.  Yum!! I stole this recipe 10 years ago at a Great Harvest convention.  We were in the wilds of Montana, sleeping on itsy-bitsy cots, and housed ... ...continue reading

Summer’s Favorites


I am in heaven.  I love it when my garden finally starts producing, and I can reap what I have sown.  I have told my four suntanned kids that my name is the Little Red Hen and I really shouldn't be sharing a licking stitch with them.  They did nothing!! But I love them.  They're really cute--thanks to James!  Anyways I haven't been cooking anything out of the ordinary, just my favorite summer foods and I thought I'd re-introduce them since they ... ...continue reading

Hollie’s House!


I remember as a kid that one of our favorite places to go was Twin Falls.  "Why?" may you ask did we love Twin Falls so much?  It was where the cousins lived.  The cousins that we didn't see very often and when we did, it was the biggest treat.  That's how Hollie's House is to my kids now.  We had the best time visiting.  Granted it was a fast and furious trip for some of us but well worth it.  I think J said it best.  "I won't miss this trip ... ...continue reading



Scones are sooo good!!  So dang good!!  Some of you may be wondering where the fried golden pillows of goodness are.  These are not that kind of a scone.  These are English Tea Scones to be exact.  I think you're suppose to eat them topped with clotted cream and lemon curd, and serve them with your afternoon tea.  I don't drink tea.  I"ll admit I tasted it once on accident and it was downright nasty.  And I don't think clotted cream sounds very ... ...continue reading

Joshy Bake


I've decided that I was meant to live in the early hours of the morning.  It's actually a great time of the day.  You feel like you own the day.  No one else is awake, and the sunrise is just for you.  I believe a sunrise in Paradise is as good as any sunset in Hawaii.  I love the early morning!  As a kid I would wake up at 4:45am just so I could lay on the heater for 15 mins. before I had to practice the piano.  Later years brought cheerleading ... ...continue reading

My First Cookbook


Muffin love nuggets.The cookbook.This is the very first cookbook I ever bought as a real woman. I was only 20, but I had been married a total of 6 days, and I purchased this book with some wedding money we had received from someone we loved I'm sure. I may only use 1 recipe in the whole book, but it is well worth the purchase price.I had a room mate down at BYU that first introduced me to the wonders inside the Better Homes and Gardens ... ...continue reading

Merry Christmas


All is calm, all is bright.Creme Brulee French Toast (My Uncle Brad needed this recipe. It was lovely this morning.)1/2 c. butter1 c. brown sugar2 T. light corn syrup Bring these three ingredients to a boil in a small saucepan. Spoon the syrup into a 11x 15 inch casserole dish. A 9x13 inch pan would work too. 1 loaf french bread (maybe part of a second loaf)5 eggs1 1/2 c. half and half1/4 t. salt1 t. vanillaSlice the loaf of french bread into ... ...continue reading