100% Whole Wheat Blender Pancakes


I have a particular preference for MY morning pancake.  I have a recipe that I dare say IS the absolute best pancake on the planet.  Nothing can compare.  It's perfection, and so versatile.  I can turn it into Ham and Cheese Waffles, Banana Nut Pancakes, Chocolate Chip Pancakes, and even a crunchy Johnny Cake version of a pancake with the addition of a little corn meal.  It is simple and burned into my mind and I can whip any of the above ... ...continue reading

Homemade Greek Yogurt


I'm in love!  I'm in heaven every morning when I eat my homemade yogurt and granola:)  It actually took me an entire mile of running this morning to tell my girls how excited I was with this recipe!  So the granola may not always be homemade by me, but my husband makes a great granola at Great Harvest each week.  I can't complain.  I'm probably spoiled:)  A favorite friend of mine shared this recipe with me and I'm so glad she did!   I have come ... ...continue reading

Sweet Bee Berry Crepes


I have a new way to love crepes.  There's always the question of what to put on your crepe.  Nutella, Biscoff Spread, sweetened cream mixture with berries, bananas and strawberries, Nutella and bananas. Oh my word I could go on and on and on!  There are so many good ways to eat a crepe, but I think I've found a new favorite!!  We have the cutest little place in town called The Crepery.   Emma and I love it!  You can get a sweet or savory crepe ... ...continue reading

Blueberry Almond Focaccia


I ripped a recipe out of a Bon Appetite a few months ago as inspiration for this recipe.  Does anyone else ever do this?  I learned once that when you're reading a magazine you should just rip out the pages you want to save instead of saving the whole magazine.  Do you know how many times I've had to control my ripping tendency in a dentist or doctors office.  How about the Landrover dealership!  That would be totally tacky there:)  I have a 3 ... ...continue reading

Liege Waffles


Can I just say, we made homemade ice cream for this Sunday dinner and it was delish!I have never had a waffle on the streets of New York, or at a cute little vendor in Belgium, but my fabulous neighbor got me intrigued with these lovely little delights this summer.  Every June my neighbor takes a group of local high schoolers on a Fashion Trip to New York.  She teaches Fashion Merchandising  for the local applied technology college.  The trip is ... ...continue reading

Baked French Toast


I love this stuff!  And in all actuality, you can call it breakfast or dessert and you'd be correct on both counts.  For breakfast we call it Baked French Toast, but it also can appear as Bread Pudding if you serve it with ice cream:)  I've been trying to decide what to serve for Jed's mission farewell in a week, and I think this is the route we're going to go.  Brunch.  A little bit of breakfast food, and a little bit of lunch food, and lots of ... ...continue reading

Breakfast Pizza


This was pure loveliness in every sense of the word.  Two of my favorite things rolled into one delicious dish!  Relatively quick, easy, and it produced tons of yummy sounds when served.  I'm sure there's many out there in the great big world who are big breakfast fans.  If you were to offer me a huge  surf and turf buffet or a glorious breakfast buffet, I bet you can tell which one I'd choose.  Breakfast for sure.  Easter Sunday for this little ... ...continue reading

My Morning Lemonade


Last week I joined a friend and went on a "Spring Clean" juicing week.  For 7 days I did it!  The first few were hard.  The best way to describe how I felt was blue.  I wasn't really hungry, and I didn't really have horrible cravings, I just wanted to eat.  I had lost a favorite thing, and I missed it.  Eventually that went away, and I felt great!  Fantastic is a good word to describe it.  James kept looking at me and commenting on how I was ... ...continue reading

Good Morning Juice


I juice a lot this time of year.  Something about all the beautiful citrus available, and my need to have a healthy family.  They go hand in hand you know:)  Each morning as my children are just about to head out the door for the bus, they each get a big glass of Carrot Orange Juice.  I usually sneak an apple or two in as well, and I really try to up their carrot consumption.  Some of the kids love it, and others tolerate it, but they all drink ... ...continue reading

Gingerbread Waffles


I have a huge apology to offer.  I am soooo sorry to leave the post of Chocolate Cake up for so long.  I had one of my friends tell me the other day that that picture was killing her.  She had gone to my blog to find the Marinara recipe and all her kids could say was, "Please make that Chocolate Cake!"  I'm afraid to admit I was out of town for a week and didn't look, but now that I'm back, it's haunting me.  The recipe today probably isn't much ... ...continue reading