Ratatouille AKA Glorified Zucchini Casserole


Isn't it pretty.  What to do with all the zucchini and squash that is suddenly overtaking your garden.  I have found the answer and if you tell your kids it is Ratatouille then they just might try it.  OK, I'll admit though that my dad still hated this dish even with the fancy name.  So if your daddy-o is like mine cover the dish in butter and cream and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top and blind fold him and he just might like it.  My granny ... ...continue reading

Every Barn Christening Requires A Cake In It’s Honor


First posts going in.Can you see his smile?See, he's watching it grow!So here's to the new barn.  Months of building has turned one husband of mine into the happiest man alive.  I wish you all could have been here over the last little while.  James has been like a little boy at Christmas.  Every day he's out checking the latest progress, and just watching and daydreaming.  This barn, that was supposed to be a small house for James' other true ... ...continue reading

A New Favorite


Of all the meals in the world I think I like breakfast food most.  Not so much cereal (except for those new super little frosted mini wheats--they're lovely!) but all other breakfast foods.  When James and I are on vacation my favorite meal is the Sunday Brunch that we always seem to pay way to much for, but it is so worth it.  We have had some amazing breakfasts, and some quite memorable ones too.  Last Oct. James and I and 3 of the jogging gals ... ...continue reading

That’s What Saturday’s Are For


I love Sat. mornings in May (or June, Sept. and even Jan.) I have a little tradition called The Long Run. There is no sleeping in. A 6:30 am start and we (my running buddies and I) own the world. No one else is usually even stirring, and we have the road to ourselves. Except this Sat. we shared it with about 40 cows that wanted to run with us:) Cows are fine behind a fence, but when they're keeping pace with you just to your left, it's a ... ...continue reading

Way To Go Eric!


This morning I got a call from my youngest brother Eric at about 8:30 to tell me his fun news. Yesterday he had a great post on his blog Eric Outside.  He recalled an experience he had with his favorite dog Lady,  (She's his only dog so of course she's his favorite!) and the food he feeds her for the hunting season.  Eric is an avid, I mean extremely avid outdoorsman.  I think his real name should have been Gaston!  He loves to bird hunt so much ... ...continue reading

The Namesake

Yesterday as I was getting ready to post my Lasagne post, James thought it would be a fun idea to blog about why our blog is called Clawson Live. About 4 1/2 years ago the Food Network had a cooking contest called "Cooking With Your Kids" that I thought would be fun to enter. All you had to do was submit an application along with a small essay about cooking with your kids and then a 5 minute video of your family cooking together. In my mind it ... ...continue reading

The Best Breakfast Ever


So breakfast is an absolute favorite at our house. Every Christmas morning at the Garner home we had these little pillows of love for breakfast. They are Ebelskiver. It was one of those wonderful holiday traditions from Denmark that my dad brought back from his mission. Last night James was inspired to make these little babies with a bit of a twist. (OK we were watching the Foodnetwork way to late, and we were drooling over these ... ...continue reading