What to do with all the zucchini and squash that is suddenly overtaking your garden. I have found the answer and if you tell your kids it is Ratatouille then they just might try it. OK, I’ll admit though that my dad still hated this dish even with the fancy name. So if your daddy-o is like mine cover the dish in butter and cream and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top and blind fold him and he just might like it. My granny had to do this when my dad was a boy. You know the saying,”It’s always funny until someone gets their eye poked out.” well it was funny until little Rod did get his eye poked out, and had to lay around with both eyes bandaged for weeks. My granny disguised carrots with the preparation mentioned above, and fed my dad lots of “candied carrots” to bring back his eye sight. It was a miracle that my dad could see and you’d think he’d have a soft spot for carrots, but no. Now that he can see he won’t eat carrots. He acts like a 2 year old when carrots are around, and zucchini too.
Ratatouille AKA Glorified Zucchini Casserole
Isn’t it pretty.
I love fried zucchini with ranch dressing, and I love Zucchini Bread. I love zucchini sauted with onions and then topped with Velveeta. Today I’m going to improvise, and make a Zucchini Banana Carrot Bread. Sounds interesting doesn’t it. I’ll post it if it’s good. So on to the Ratatouille and the zucchini preparation at hand. I loved the recipe that I found in Ina Garten’s cookbook. I added a little something from another recipe though. That would be the cream and cheese addition. It totally makes the dish unhealthy, but delicious. This casserole is really pretty too, and I love it leftover for breakfast. I warm it in the microwave, place it on a piece of Honey Whole Wheat bread and top it with a fried egg. The kind where the yolk drips down the sides. YUM!
1 large onion diced
2 cloves garlic diced
Saute the onion and garlic in a pan with a little bit of oil until tender. About 5 mins. Place the onion and garlic in the bottom of a 9×13 inch pan. Top with slices of the remaining veggies .
1 zucchini sliced
1 crookneck squash sliced
4-5 red potatoes sliced
4-5 home grown tomatoes sliced
generous sprinkling of salt and pepper
Place uncovered in a 475’F oven for 30-40 mins. Check with a knife that the potatoes are tender. When the veggies are tender pour the next three ingredients on top.
1 c. cream
1c. Parmesan cheese
fresh torn basil
Place back in the oven for another 15 mins. until the cheese and cream is bubbly. Let sit for a few minutes and serve. It goes great with any meat, or as a breakfast casserole.
OoooH! That looks really good! I have a quick little recipe for you.
layer these
browned hamburger (seasoned your way)
cooked penne pasta
cover with spaghetti sauce then alfredo sauce
steamed – sliced zucchini and yellow squash
Cover with your favorite white cheese
My kids even love this! Do you have any more recipes for zucchini??
Oh by the way – you might want to bake that covered in your oven until everything is nice and hot then take off the foil and cook it a little longer until the cheese is golden brown. It probably wouldn’t taste good cold!
I’m cooking this dish at this very moment. Hopefully it tastes as good as it looks. Although, with my luck, it will take a few tries to get it right! My husband is a good sport, that’s for sure!
Thanks for all the great recipes. I appreciate you sharing.
Oh I can’t wait for summer! Mama loves her some fresh garden veggies! I can’t wait to have them coming out my ears! This is making my mouth water.
-Great minds think alike! I never said this, but I had made Banana’s Foster the night before and the rum was still sitting out and that was why I had the inspiration for the rum in the first place! I think BF on top would be INCREDIBLE! I was scouring my brain to figure out a way to make it not so rich so that I could eat it for breakfast and still feel good about it!! Let’s do it, let’s just make it, let’s be baddd!
I love your blog! My husband and I would love to talk with you about Great Harvest sometime soon! Would you mind emailing me since I can’t figure out if I can email you from this. I am not the greatest at technology!
Rosanne Clark Jensen