So here’s to the new barn. Months of building has turned one husband of mine into the happiest man alive. I wish you all could have been here over the last little while. James has been like a little boy at Christmas. Every day he’s out checking the latest progress, and just watching and daydreaming. This barn, that was supposed to be a small house for James’ other true love, the boat, somehow magically appeared. I’m not sure how it all happened. I can’t believe he talked me into all this. One cold Dec. 12th James tells me we’re going to Salt Lake for my birthday to maybe go to IKEA. Somehow I was hoodwinked in the process and we ended up bringing a new boat home. I didn’t even get to IKEA that day. And then I was told the boat had to have a “small” home, but somehow we got an enormous barn!! True. James is one sweet talking son of a gun. If I didn’t think he was really cute or wasn’t fun to sleep with, none of this would have happened. But it has happened, and we lived, and James can somehow come up with just the money he needs when it is something he wants. Funny thing!
Lisa this is so gorgeous (the barn…oh and the cake ;). My hubs is DREAMING of a barn. I say one day. Nice work!!!
It looks wonderful finished up! I’m glad you added an ‘out building’ and took the time/funds to make it well designed and attractive. Just because you’re Avonites doesn’t mean you can’t have class…
good night that is a beautiful barn you were sweet talked into! way to go james, it adds such beauty to your homestead. makes me want to leave the city and come to the mountains…….beautiful cake as well:)
What do you mean you don’t have horses? If you combine all of the ones that live in the engines that are housed in that barn, you have most everyone in Avon beat! The Barn is purrrrfect!
oh my, that i just a beautiful barn!! i have to show it to mikael later who will be so jealous
i can also imagine that mikael would have been like a little boy building it and seeing it’s progress. how great for you guys! 
I love your new barn. It just completes the home
Congrats on finishing the race. It sounded like a lot of fun.
The barn looks amazing! I can’t believe it’s done already! And what a cake – I’ve got to try it out!
I’m glad you said the F word first around Dad. I’m pretty sure our other siblings never said it. At least my oldest sister had said it and he wasn’t too shocked when it came out of my mouth! You are better than me you only said it once… I might have said it a handful of times.
I love the barn and I think the F word runs in the Garner blood. I can still vividly remember my perfect mother Joner letting it fly back when I was in high school. Those were the days and now all we do is laugh about it. And Eric wait till you get married. They just start flowing out!! ha ha ha
great story and great barn.