Tis the season of the family reunion. I hate to admit it though……….I missed my family’s reunion last Sat. due to an extraordinary lack of sleep from 4 days of girls camp. I think my mom is still speaking to me. She knows what it’s like to be at girls camp. 38 perfect girls, 11 wonderful leaders, way to many snakes, way to much “Purple Stew” singing, tons of really yummy food, a bathroom that was too far away for frequent visits, a lovely midnight shower every night, tons of love, and spiritual highs. Needless to say I didn’t make it to the Barker Family reunion, but I was there in spirit. I love all my cousins!
The weekend before though we attended James’ extended family reunion. Technically we could say it was my side of the family too since James and I are 5th cousins. (We didn’t know until after we sealed the deal. I was told I couldn’t get a refund:) Obviously that explains what went wrong with our children, or at least the red head:)) We had a great time. Lots of cousins, and kids, and good food. I decided to take this easy sheet pan sugar cookie. My neighbor C makes this frequently for little get togethers and I thought it would be perfect for the kids. (And me too!)
Funny thing- at the end of the night I went over to the dessert table to retrieve my pan and noticed there were a lot of desserts left. Even my sister-in-law’s gorgeous cupcakes were still there. I went home with a few cookies in my pan, feeling a bit dejected. I did have a treat for the next day though. When I asked the kids how the cookies were this is what Jed said. “Well I tried to get one and this little lady told me I couldn’t eat any desserts. They were for the adults.” Emma tried the same thing and thought the “little lady” was just teasing her, but swiftly got her hand smacked away. This was some serious dessert protectiveness. Anyways desserts went home on the plates that brought them, and I’m sure there were a few other broken hearted kids because they didn’t get one of my lovely blue frosted sugar cookies. I sure hope Aunt Kay isn’t reading this. If you are…………I’m sure you had the best intentions and we love your guts still:), but I think my kids might freak out the next time they hear those words. I won’t even say them:)
I’ll say those terrible, terrible words! ONLY THE ADULTS! In fact, she didn’t say those words, she said they didn’t want anyone eating them until after the ice creat sandwiches were passed around, but by the time they were, everyone had forgotten about ‘the good stuff’. I took home a full pan of extremely delicions rice crispie treats, so don’t feel bad.
Stupid? Yes, definitely. There should be no restrictions on what can or can’t be eaten at a family reunion like that.
Davey Clawson (yeah, that’s right…so sue me!)
Thank you for this wonderful cookie recipe. It was great! Sugar cookies without all of the cutting out. Love it!
This might be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Will try next week. I have to recover from eating my weight in no-bakes tonight.