The other day as I was making plans for the annual Clawson family camp out I asked for suggestions for camp treats. You know every family has their favorites. There has to be homemade marshmallows, tinfoil dinners, eclairs on a stick, but James’ must have suggestion was homemade Oreo’s. Funny thing is, I didn’t even know he loved these little tidbits until a few years after we were married. I made them once while we were dating to take on a fun trip with a bunch of friends to Jackson Hole, and I don’t think he ate one. Even then at my early stages of cooking I was hurt deeply by the fact that he didn’t like what I had made. I seriously wondered if I could even date the boy again if he wasn’t going to enjoy my cooking, or at least fake liking it. Since then though, I have found that he loves these Oreo’s and he just didn’t want to be a piglet on the Jackson trip years ago. I don’t make them very often because I have a hard time getting them to completion. I will admit, I could eat the whole batch of chocolate cookies without the white frosting centers even. Dang, when those cookies come out hot, you can shove a whole cookie in your mouth and nobody knows it’s even gone. Unless of course Emma lives at your house and she counts the cookies. “Mom there is an odd number of cookies here. Where is the other one?” she says, and I am busted. So I must eat another to keep the cookie count even. It is a terrible cycle.
Ooo! I love oreos. Enough that i wasn’t satisfied with the cake box kind and went out and found a recipe that you make the cookie part from scratch. They’re pretty great I think and a fun shake up from the normal cake box kind.
I love you for posting this one! Much easier than the one I use, and I am sure much better.
PS – Whirly Pop can be found at Kitchen Kneads
YUMMO! Love home made oreos! You should just make up a bunch of your recipes and go sell them at the Paradise Farmers Market so I can buy them and not have to make your recipes that I will bomb!
I love you grammy’s cook book it is one of my favorites too. If you want a fun little twist with the oreo cookie mix when you are balling your dough add either a mini reese’s cup or a rolo to the center of your cookie and cover completely with dough. When you bake these they melt beautifully and you have an amazing little surpise in the middle.