Sunday night we got word that a friend of Emma’s had had an emergency appendectomy that morning. He had spent the previous day playing two baseball games, slept over at a friends and by 9am the next morning was under the knife getting his swollen and enlarged appendix out. We saw the pictures. I told his mom to scrapbook those pics. That is something this kid could be proud of. In the course of a bishops visit in the hospital we came to find out how this young man loved cookies from girls. I told him all he had to do was mention he liked cookies and I’m sure he’d find some on his doorstep. He didn’t have to go to such extreme measures for cookies:) Needless to say, when Emma found out about her poor friend she was more than happy to oblige. She enlisted a favorite friend and the next day they were cooking.
These girls didn’t go the simple route. They decided to jazz up the offering by adding two selections of cookies instead of just one. What nice gals! (They even passed off a Personal Progress achievement during the process. Hurray!) The brunette cookie in the picture above is the cookie I wanted to highlight. I loved these cookies as a kid. We never made them. Not even my professional cookie making sister ever made these at home. Again- Thanks to the lunch ladies at dear old Lomond View Elementary I had these Chocolate Crinkles at least once in a blue moon. Maybe it’s the fact that they have a little resemblance to brownies that I love them so much. Emma seems to have followed in my footsteps. She found this recipe in the Martha Stewart Cookie book, and never looked back.
I’m proud of Emma’s fearless tackling of her cooking endeavors. She can make lots of things I never dreamt of at her age. Let alone as seasoned 25 or 30 year old. So I’m sure our little neighbor boy is thinking now that maybe the tummy ache from hell may have been worth it. I mean if you can get two beautiful girls to bring you cookies (2 different kinds) in bed, what other body part could he part with?
LIsA…. That EmMa is starting to look more and more like her MoMmY!!
okay. lisa. i’ve referred a few friends to your blog. one of them called me yesterday and said she made your “i can’t believe i made this bread, bread” and raved on and on. then she told me that she called her sister-in-law and told her about it when her sister said, “oh, i’ve made that bread. i love that blog!” apparently, your fame is widespread. and that bread is dang good too. made it today for din din for the first time. LOVE IT!