Roasted Romaine and Chicken Caesar Salad


I order Caesar Salads just about every chance I get.  There are two places that I especially love their Caesars.  Both are very different renditions of the traditional favorite salad, but both are so stinking good!!  I love them, and I crave them, and I can't wait to taste either one some day soon.  The first favorite is from a cute little restaurant on the Big Island.  It's called Cafe Pesto.  Great food there.  Yummy calzones, and pizzas, and ... ...continue reading

Good Morning Juice


I juice a lot this time of year.  Something about all the beautiful citrus available, and my need to have a healthy family.  They go hand in hand you know:)  Each morning as my children are just about to head out the door for the bus, they each get a big glass of Carrot Orange Juice.  I usually sneak an apple or two in as well, and I really try to up their carrot consumption.  Some of the kids love it, and others tolerate it, but they all drink ... ...continue reading

French Onion Soup with Bleu Cheese Toasts


It is cold around these parts.  Really cold!  Like, freeze your boogers the minute you take a breath cold:)  You know what I mean?  Eyelashes are frosted over in a matter of minutes, and shoe choices are very important.  I will admit to going with style instead of function a few times in the last few days.  I'm staying very warm though thanks to a wonderful husband that keeps our wood stove burning day and night, and keeps this house absolutely ... ...continue reading

New Years Noodles


I know what I'm having on New Year's Eve.  How about you?  Nope it's not Prime Rib, steak, shrimp, or anything of the sort.  It's going to be my favorite meal on the planet.  My Granny B's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup!  Now these noodles are truly tradition. The first gal I know who made them was my great granny on my moms side. Her name was Viola Telford, but we always just called her Grandma Great. My mom has an old photo of her and her sisters ... ...continue reading

Black Bottom Cupcakes


I have a neighbor.  Only one neighbor that lives within voice range.  Their family has heard me yell a time or two at my kids, but they still like us:)  My neighbor is a fantastic cook.  Her daughter was the supreme cookie maker for years until she just recently got married and and moved.  I think it's rude:)  But my neighbor's mother is a fantastic cook as well and every once in a while she sneaks me a new recipe she's tried.  This happened last ... ...continue reading

Beef Stew with Bleu Cheese Mashed Potatoes


It was my birthday last week and I turned 40!  40 used to be so old, but my word, I feel better than ever:)  It's totally better than 25.  You are so much wiser, and happy too..............Happy Birthday to you!  The bakery has been on overdrive the entire month of Dec.  It usually doesn't happen quite like that most years.  We have a few weeks after Thanksgiving to gear up for the rush, but the rush came, and the entire family has been working ... ...continue reading

Pistachio Wedding Cookies


I've never done something like this before.  I sent cookies to three perfectly perfect strangers:)  One from Texas, one from Florida, and one from Alaska.  It was fun, and I was dang excited to participate.  It was the 2nd Annual Food Blogger Cookie Swap.  Who doesn't love getting things in the mail.  So thank you to the two lovely ladies who sent me and my family a treat.  Ashton @ Something Swanky and Christine @ Chew Nibble Nosh.  The family ... ...continue reading

Christmas Stollen


The Christmas baking has begun.   Just a little here and there.  Enough to make the house feel cozy, and get all 7 Clawson's in the Christmas spirit.  It started out with cookies, but I decided to try my hand at a traditional German Christmas bread.  A few years ago I bought a loaf of Stollen from a van on the corner of Main St.  A bakery from a town far away would send a van every Sat. to all the larger cities and peddle their bread.  Being a ... ...continue reading

Chocolate Orange Butter Cookies


I'm making cookies.  Thousands of cookies!  21,600 cookies to be exact.  Plus or minus a few extra dozen here and there for a fun cookie exchange.  Actually we're (as in every Clawson child I own) making lots of cookies at the bakery this week.  It will probably continue on into next week and the next.  Tis the season for tired bakers you know.  It's all good.  We've got a fantastic system down and we can crank out a few thousand cookies in no ... ...continue reading



*It's my Emma's birthday today!!! Happy 16th to my beautiful daughter.  I love her guts!!  We're having Chocolate Cheesecake tonight for Em's birthday.  You'll see that soon:)Tis the season!  I it upon us, and I have mixed feelings.  Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday ever.  It has all the festive feel of "The Holidays", but without the pressure of gifts, and such!  I think we should have Thanksgiving and then Thanksgiving again in Dec. ... ...continue reading