Here’s another favorite juice that we make at the Clawson home. We call it the Green Lemonade. One trick I’ve found when juicing is that a lemon will make any concoction taste better. Let’s be honest here, I’ve had my fair share of juices that I’ve had to plug my nose, and just swig. Sometimes the gag reflex kicks in, and it’s all I can do to keep that juice down. But a lemon or a lime can brighten and mask a lot of “not so tasty” ingredients. If you’ve got a pear, or apple that will help any “veggie juice” as well too. Mary Poppins always says, “A spoonful of sugar, helps the medicine go down.” Well I say a lemon will always make the juice go down:)
I really like my morning juice. Lots of fresh oranges, and carrots, but sometimes I need something that isn’t fruit based. This Green Lemonade hits the spot. We juice a lot through the winter months. I buy oranges, and apples by the 40 lb. case, and 25 lb. bags of carrots almost weekly. My kids seemed to tolerate the juices at first, but they are actually starting to crave them now. My Red Head asks for them almost every morning before he catches the bus. Here’s a great little something we’ve noticed around here lately that we attribute to the juices. Our complexions are pretty fantastic right now. James’ skin is so good looking! The three older kids have had beautiful skin. The acne that usually follows teenagers has been held at bay. There’s a healthy something going on, and they say that your skin and hair are the first things to show if you are healthy or unhealthy. It’s a great side effect of juicing I’ve decided:)
Give this juice a try. Add an extra apple, or pear for more sweetness if you like. I love the addition of fresh parsley. It makes the juice the most beautiful green color. Spinach alone makes a muddy green, but the parsley really brightens the juice. It’s great for fresh breath too:)
*I’ve had a few people ask what kind of juicer I use. Well let me tell you, I just happened to be at the local kitchen store one day right as they were demonstrating the Hurom juicer from Sweden. I was amazed and smitten instantly. So much, that even the price tag didn’t keep me from taking one of the shiny Hurom’s home. It’s a wonderful juicer. It’s a slow, press juicer that is quiet, and just smashes the fruit, veggies and even nuts. I love it, BUT………I’m not convinced it’s the only way to go. I’ve used the cheaper juicers from Costco, and been pretty happy with those too. So get the juicer that fits your budget, and start getting healthy!
Green Lemonade
1/2 bunch of celery
1 lemon or lime peeled
1 asian pear (a regular pear or apple works great)
2 big handfuls of spinach
1/2 big bunch of fresh parsley
1 orange
1/2 cucumber
You can always add whatever you’ve got in your fruit bowl. This is just a suggestion, but I love it!! You can substitute kale, or other greens for the spinach, but for me I like spinach. It doesn’t have a strong flavor like kale, and is easy for me to drink. I love kale cooked or in a soup, but I actually don’t love it juiced. It’s a little bitter for me. Good luck and let me know of any great concoctions you come up with!
I am sure that you have had this question asked many times…What juicer do you use?
I’ve got a Hurom. It’s a slow press juicer, really expensive, fantastic, tough, and wonderful, BUT………………..I’m not sure there’s a huge difference from the Hurom and a Jack Delaine juicer from Costco for $99. Breville has a new slow juicer that looks just like my Hurom for about the same price $349. Go for what fits your budget, and just start juicing:) You’ll love it, you’ll feel so healthy, and if your lucky your skin might turn a little orange from all the carrots you’re partaking of:)