Truly it’s snowing. Right this very instant! I don’t want this quite yet. Give me a few months. Actually it could stay fall for approximately 2 months and 19 days to be exact. I don’t need snow until Dec. 25th, and then it can go away. Stay in the mountains is my motto, but I forget sometimes that I CHOSE TO LIVE IN THE STINKING MOUNTAINS! So it snows some years in Oct. Most years in Oct. Sometimes even June and Sept. I can really only count on July and Aug. to not have snow. So I will just make fabulous treats to keep me happy. No really I took these treats to a new little family last night. They just had a beautiful baby boy. He looks just like his daddy. I thought they might like this treat. Turns out—-who wouldn’t love this treat. So I’m sharing the recipe since it ain’t mine to keep anyways. So thanks to Mel at Mel’s Kitchen Cafe. I love her stuff. Funny thing……….she used to live in Logan. She used to frequent the bakery a lot. We never met, but I’m sure we would have been friends. And she makes good treats!
Enjoy these. And I’ll get my positive attitude out of the closet as well as my ski coat. For those of you who worry about cookie dough……… no need. There are no raw eggs here. Eat to your little hearts content and enjoy every minute of cookie dough bliss:0) And thanks goodness………it stopped snowing!
Really? Snow already? That’s kind of a bummer…but I am jealous you are living in my favorite mountains.
Glad you loved the brownies – these are my husband’s all-time favorites!
Oh my goodness! How could you post this the week I can’t even run??? I might have to make these tonight when the inlaws come for dinner. Wicked!
just made your clam chowda. my husband doesn’t even like that kind of soup, but he loved yours. just thought you might want some positive feedback from an avid tester of your creations. in fact, i’m making your thai salad for a family dinner on sunday. they’re gonna love it.
These are amazing! Everyone I shared them with loved them. Making them again today for a family in or ward that just had a baby, I’m pretty sure this will be the highlight of the meal:)
Made these a little while ago and they are amazing! Everyone I shared them with thought so too. So I figure I couldn’t go wrong to add this little treat to dinner for a cute family that just had a baby for dinner tonight:) Thanks for making such awesome food.
Stephanie!! Yeah I’m so glad you loved the brownies. They are soooo tasty. I hope the new mom and her family loved them too.