Camping Eclairs

Impromptu campfire.  Hotdog roasting, and Eclair making.  Notice James and Jessica’s dough wrapped sticks.  Bottom center is the eclairs being roasted.  Seth and Eric loved their finished projects.  I love Summer!!

Have you had them?  They will become your new camping or backyard tradition!   Now you only need a few items to make them.  The most important item is a 1 inch dowel.  I’ve lost a few broom handles to the cause, but any 1 inch dowel from the craft store is great.  You want it to be about 3 feet long so you can put it in the fire.  You’ll keep it forever, right with the rest of your roasting sticks.

Refrigerator biscuits
(Just the cheap kind.  Don’t get Grands or anything.  They’re too big.  Just the cheap 2 for a $1 kind and lots of them!)
Snack pack pudding any flavor
Chocolate or vanilla frosting in a can
Here’s the procedure:  Take your biscuit and stretch it around the top of your dowel.  Now roll it down the dowel like your making a snake.  My sister in law’s get the giggles when they do this part.  I always thought they were such wholesome girls, but deep down inside they are a little sassy.  You don’t want the biscuit to be too thick or it will take way to long to roast.  Now stick the dowel into the fire like you’re roasting a marshmallow.  The biscuit will take a few minute, but you will know it is done when it is golden and easily twists off the dowel.  Now fill the biscuit with your choice of pudding and frost the top with frosting.  You will love these.  Enjoy!!


  1. says

    I think we might have to try these at girls camp this year.
    Also, congrats on your new baby girl, (no name last I heard). Very excited for you and in awe of you having the baby home. What a great story she will have about her entrance into this world.

  2. says

    Another recipe but no announcement about the baby??? I see where your priorities are! I had to re-read the last two posts to see if I missed something. . . and then saw the pictures on facebook. So nice of you to go visit my grandpa. I’m sad I don’t live closer. Can’t wait to hear more about the baby.

  3. says

    I was checking for the baby also! I am going to get the supplies and have these ready to go next time we get visitors! What a great idea. Get that baby here!!!

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