Every year for Easter our little family is involved in the Paradise Lion’s Club Annual Easter Egg Hunt. First off let me just say…………..”I hate Easter Egg Hunts!” They stress me out. It all started when I was a teenager. I remember going with my youngest brother to an Easter Egg hunt in St. George and watching the kid struggle to find one stinking egg. I hate ruthless mothers that are boxing out the competition, and have the mentality of a soldier in combat during the race. I remember wanting to scream, “Stop!!! Can my poor little brother just find one egg?” The competition is just way too fierce for a lovely spring morning. Now that that is off my chest, on to the Paradise hunt. It’s the same. I just don’t look. Actually my kids are old enough now they don’t care. They get to hide all the eggs for the different age groups now and that’s their fun. And maybe it’s that I tend to over compensate for their lack of egg finding skills with our hunt at home. You know everyone gets the same amount of eggs and candy and toys and clothes and…………….you get the idea.
Before the hunt can start every year though there is a bake sale. All the wives of the Lions bring their best Easter treats and the hunt can’t start until all goodies have been purchased. When James joined the Lions Club years ago there was a little old lady in town that would bring two Lemon Meringue Pies to the sale first thing every year. There were always people waiting to grab the pies before they even made it into the fire station. Dear Sister P doesn’t make the pies anymore. She’s still alive, but the pies are a bit too much now a days. The pies always brought in the most money from the bake sale. I don’t do a very good Lemon Meringue. They tend to weep, but I make a mean Strawberry Cream Pie. I’ve taken other pies in years past, but it’s all about the presentation. Who can resist a bright red Strawberry Pie piled ten feet high. Nobody! They were snarfed up in minutes and brought a pretty penny for the cause. One of the men who bought a pie actually called Sat. afternoon to tell James that the pie was the best he’d ever had. I’m sure it wasn’t, but that sure made this chubby little pregnant ladies day.
So it’s strawberry season, and there is nothing prettier on the planet than a Strawberry Pie. We like to have a cream filling first and then a huge pile of strawberries on top. It’s the best of both worlds. Side note here and hopefully it’s not too graphic. It will gross my brother Marc out but oh well. James had a dream the other day that he rented a big white tent and he set it up in my strawberry patch and we had this baby there. We had a great laugh! Trust me……..if such a thing ever happened I’d at least have her middle name be Strawberry. Wouldn’t that be adorable. Truly Strawberry Clawson! She’s going to be scrumptious no matter what I’m sure. Sorry for the graphic image. Enjoy your pie!!
I’m totally making this for Sunday dinner!!!
stop it. just stop it.
I’m making this for dinner Sunday too. Mmmmm!
O my gosh!!! My new favorite recipe. I made 4 of them today. Yummmmers!!!