I had to post some of the fun treats that Emma made this Christmas season. She’s turning into such a good little cook. Way better than I ever imagined being at her age. Let alone when I was 25! She’s been my little lifesaver with my morning sickness blues the last few months. I don’t even look at food porn when I have morning sickness. I have stacks of food magazines that I just couldn’t even stomach looking at a few months back. I’ve got a lot of reading to do:) Emma made all sorts of dinners for the family. She’s the best!! I love her guts!!
These are the treats she made for our holiday festivities. The little snowmen went to all the kids friends. We wrapped them in sucker wrappers and tied a bow around the stick. I thought they were dang cute. Thanks to my friend E who showed us this idea. I think she got it from someone else’s blog…..so Thank You! to whoever you are. The snowmen were a hit! The little truffles were just Oreo truffles, but Emma gussied them up with dark and white chocolate shavings, and little pearly sprinkles. Thanks Emma for being my lifesaver. You’re my favorite daughter!!
I do adore Oreo truffles, but I must try those snowmen on a stick.
And cooking or not, Emma is amazing.