Summer’s Favorites

I am in heaven.  I love it when my garden finally starts producing, and I can reap what I have sown.  I have told my four suntanned kids that my name is the Little Red Hen and I really shouldn’t be sharing a licking stitch with them.  They did nothing!! But I love them.  They’re really cute–thanks to James!  Anyways I haven’t been cooking anything out of the ordinary, just my favorite summer foods and I thought I’d re-introduce them since they were all posted 12 months ago and sometimes it’s nice for me to see my old favorites.

I’ve got 9 favorites pictured here and each one is so dang good!  Click on any of the names and it will take you to the respective post.  Try a few of these.  They are all delish.  Or better yet, try all nine.  You’ll thank me forever and I will be your favorite person in the world, and you will smile the whole time you’re making the yummy sound.  I love summer!

Photos from top left to right:  Chipolte Corn Chowdah,  Ratatouille, Sausage Pot, Cheesers, Fresh Tomato and Blue Cheese Pasta,  Alison’s Famous Salsa, Zuppa Tuscana (minus the green fuzzy catepillars), Homemade Marinara Sauce, Tomato Cuke and Avocado Salad


  1. says

    This is the best post ever. Would you mind if I shared it on my blog?

    I think I will have enough tomatoes for a batch of marinara sauce by the weekend. It is a favorite at our house and we ran out a few weeks ago.

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