Today’s popcorn recipe is a tribute to Marc and Susan
and their little family. Two years ago they adopted a little girl named Gem from Vietnam. I do believe that she is one of Emma’s favorite people. Well this evening
we are headed down to Salt Lake International Airport to greet the newest member of our family. Marc and Susan left a little over 2 weeks ago to pick
up their new son from Vietnam. He is a healthy 24 lb. 21 month old little boy. I thought I’d make a treat in Marc’s honor on this occasion,
and this was always one of his favorites.

(How about the Keen’s. The little man wears them nonstop!)
As a kid we made a cereal treat that we called Razzle Dazzle. It actually came from a little blue booklet that I received from school that was
distributed by Utah Power. Again another testament to
the merit of recipes from obscure places. For example the label off of the Western Family condensed milk, a soup label, an insurance flyer……I tell you, a good recipe can be found anywhere! I remember eating a whole bowl of this cereal treat
by myself while I watched Wimbeldon, and nursed my first baby, for what seemed like 23 hours of the day. This lovely cereal treat could probably be linked to the soft layer of chub over my whole body. Well this treat is usually what Marc
cuts out of his diet when he goes “1 pork chop not 2”. That is his term for a diet:) In fact I think he has mentioned a time or two when he may have eaten
a whole bowl of Razzle Dazzle by himself too.
Like brother, like sister.
So Peanut Butter Popcorn is unveiled, and I must say the popcorn
version is quite tasty. Now Hollie, don’t make this if your kids aren’t
going to eat it with you, or you too will be eating the whole bowl by yourself. (You must refer to the White Chocolate Popcorn post. She admitted to eating a whole bowl of that. And she’s the skinny sister. That’s my girl!) The recipe is super
duper easy and tasty. I hope you enjoy it, and know that Marc will love it! I’ve attached a few photos of Marc and Susan picking up Tuan too. He’s the cutest little man.
If you want to see more of their adventures check out both Marc and Susan’s blog from my sidebar. Marc takes great photos, and I think I may need to visit
Vietnam one day. So here’s to you Marc-e!! (And Aloha ma and pa!!)
Peanut Butter Popcorn
3/4 c. popcorn kernals popped
1 c. peanut butter
1 c. karo syrup
1 c. brown sugar
Bring the 3 ingredients together in a saucepan and bring to a bubble. Just barely, actually just make sure the peanut butter is melted. Pour over the popcorn and mix until all the kernals are coated. Enjoy!!
i love that they are adopting those sweet kids.. i cried reading their blog and watching the videos.. every kid deserves loving good parents and I am so happy Tuan and Gem have them! Thanks for sharing, that is very touching and now I am going to go give Oliver a kiss!
I love it ! Very creative ! That‘s actually really cool Thanks.