Tomato Cucumber and Avocado Salad


Also known as my favorite salad on the planet!  I know it's Oct., and my garden should be long gone, but I baby it these last few weeks.  I do everything in my power to keep it going just a little longer.   I remember the first year I was married to James and we lived in a cute little house in Ogden.  I had planted about 6 tomato plants.  That was my extent of gardening, but I remember by Nov. I was praying those tomatoes would just DIE.  In Avon ... ...continue reading

Summer Pasta Salad


This salad is wonderful!  Perfect in the summertime when your garden is bursting at the seams.  There really are no set ingredients.  Use what you have on hand.  Color wise I've used sliced olive, or black beans.  Red pepper strips or tomatoes.  Yellow peppers or corn.  The key to this salad is color.  The more color, the prettier the salad, and I swear it tastes better too.  The salad dressing is my old standby.  It appears in my Everything ... ...continue reading

Chicken Tortilla Soup


Delish!  It's the only word to describe this tasty little soup.  It's been a little cooler and rainy at my house the last few days, and I wanted something warm, but light as well.  Can I just say this soup really is SOOOOO GOOD!  I love it!!  I made good use of a whole rotisserie chicken for this recipe.  I may just suggest that that is the way to go.   Real convenient, and quite easy too.  The base of the soup is a homemade stock, but really, ... ...continue reading

Chipotle Honey Grilled Corn


This recipe is from my brother Josh.  I do believe it's the first recipe courtesy of Joshua since starting this blog.  I've had a few from his lovely wife, but not him.  He's actually a great cook.  A fun cook.  I'm talking Ceviche from Ecuador with popcorn.  Delish!  Josh found this recipe years ago in the pages of Sunset Magazine I believe, and it has been a hit at many a Bear Lake BBQ since.  It's super easy, but packs a lot of flavor.  I love ... ...continue reading

3 Cheese Au Gratin Potatoes


Call these potatoes whatever you like.  These tators come with many names.  As a kid we called them Rotten Potatoes, or Dutch Oven Potatoes and we absolutely loved them.  My mom made them with Velveeta, and bacon and they are still some of my favorite potatoes.  Don't let the fact that there are three cheeses in this recipe throw you.  It really was just a "clean out the fridge" kind of night, and I just happened to have 3 different types of ... ...continue reading

Thai Pasta Salad


I've posted this salad before, but it's such a good one, AND I took a better photo of it this time. It needed a repeat:)  It is such a standout salad at any gathering.  The colors are beautiful, and the salad is so fresh, and light.  You could turn it into a main dish item by adding the meat from a rotisserie chicken, or maybe some grilled shrimp over the top.  Yummy!!  Again, thanks to my sister-in-law Susan who introduced me to this salad.  And ... ...continue reading

Thai Coconut Chicken Red Lentil Soup


Winner!!!  This soup is a knock out winner!  It was so good, and made such an enormous pot, I ate it for lunch and dinner for about 3 days straight.  I may have even had it for breakfast one of those days.  Last week a very fun friend was talking to James after a church meeting, and mentioned she had a recipe for us.  She knew we'd love it.  She had tasted it at her daughters home a little while before and loved it and was kind enough to think of ... ...continue reading

Korean Bibimbap


I subscribe to Bon Appetit magazine, and it's one of my guilty pleasures!   Sitting on the couch and delving into the latest issue with nothing to distract me is pure loveliness.  Some of my all time favorite dishes have come from this beloved mag.  This pizza especially has been a favorite, as well as many other recipes.  There is always a recipe or two, and sometimes three that get ripped out of the magazine and make their way into my bulging ... ...continue reading

French Onion Soup with Bleu Cheese Toasts


It is cold around these parts.  Really cold!  Like, freeze your boogers the minute you take a breath cold:)  You know what I mean?  Eyelashes are frosted over in a matter of minutes, and shoe choices are very important.  I will admit to going with style instead of function a few times in the last few days.  I'm staying very warm though thanks to a wonderful husband that keeps our wood stove burning day and night, and keeps this house absolutely ... ...continue reading

New Years Noodles


I know what I'm having on New Year's Eve.  How about you?  Nope it's not Prime Rib, steak, shrimp, or anything of the sort.  It's going to be my favorite meal on the planet.  My Granny B's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup!  Now these noodles are truly tradition. The first gal I know who made them was my great granny on my moms side. Her name was Viola Telford, but we always just called her Grandma Great. My mom has an old photo of her and her sisters ... ...continue reading