Black Forest Trifle


I made this lovely trifle on year for James' birthday.  He loves cherries, and so I knew he'd love this trifle.  I followed a recipe that was in a great cookbook that my Grams and her sister made 20 years ago.  It's one of my prized possessions.  It is full of gems!  And maybe a few typos:)  The recipe called for a little almond extract added to the cherry pie filling.  Like 2 TABLESPOONS.  It should have been 1/2 t of almond extract.  That would ... ...continue reading

Gingerbread Trifle


What kind of dessert do you make for Christmas?  I had this little conversation with my sister not to long ago.  She was having a luncheon with a huge group of friends and she was in charge of dessert.  She wanted to impress, and do something special for a Christmas party.  What to do!?  I've found I come up with the best recipes and ideas if I bounce them off my sister.  Sometimes just the act of talking the idea through out loud is all it ... ...continue reading

Razzleberry Pie 2014


Razzleberry Pie. Need I say more? I post this recipe every year around Thanksgiving because it is such a winner!! It's just the best pie, and it makes 5 at a time. Now you may not think that you need to make 5 pies and that it is overkill, but I promise you will be so glad you did. They sit in your freezer and anytime you need a quick dessert, it's there for you. A neighbor has a baby, you've got dessert made. Someone you love is sick- you bake ... ...continue reading

Fresh Peach Tart


I'm back!!  I'm so sorry it took so long.  I updated my blog, changed websites, summer came and went, tons of summer vacationing, school started, and you know the list.  It goes on and on and on.  When really all it is, is a bunch of excuses!  I got lazy!  I got disheartened, and I stopped sharing.  I stopped writing, and my sister finally whipped me into shape last night and I will post my favorite recipes for YOU!  I promise:)  Just so you ... ...continue reading

Helen’s Brownies


So who's Helen?  I've written about these brownies before, but you know sometimes things need to be brought back to the surface for people to enjoy!  Helen is my cousins OTHER grandma.  She's not my granny, but she was an amazing cook!  Helen gave me a tupperware container of these brownies for my wedding.  Something to take on the honeymoon.  I thought it was so thoughtful of her, and a really nice gesture.  James and I loved them, and to this ... ...continue reading

Raspberry Cream Cheese Breakfast Cake


In all reality, this delightful confection is a Coffee Cake.  But since the named implied more than I wanted to explain to my children in their younger years, I followed the idea of a favorite friend, and renamed it BREAKFAST CAKE.  The name Breakfast Cake suggests everything good about this dish.  We eat it at breakfast, and we don't feel guilty about eating cake for breakfast since it is specifically made for this purpose.  (I will tell you ... ...continue reading

Razzleberry Pie


*This is a re-post from last year.  It's one of those recipes that has to be posted every year.  It is the most searched for recipe on the blog.  I just made 5 more of these beauties for my own freezer.  I may or may not take them to Thanksgiving:)  Enjoy!This is by far the most search for recipe on my blog.  And I can't blame anyone for that.  It is the best pie!  Hands down, there is no other pie on the planet that is as tasty as this ... ...continue reading

Camping Eclairs


Impromptu campfire.  Hotdog roasting, and Eclair making.  Notice James and Jessica's dough wrapped sticks.  Bottom center is the eclairs being roasted.  Seth and Eric loved their finished projects.  I love Summer!!Have you had them?  They will become your new camping or backyard tradition!   Now you only need a few items to make them.  The most important item is a 1 inch dowel.  I've lost a few broom handles to the cause, but any 1 inch dowel ... ...continue reading