You know I have a sister. She’s fabulous! We’re only 18 months apart, but we are definitely different people. We don’t look much alike. She’s dark with dark brown eyes and resembles my mom’s side of the family, and I’m lighter with blue eyes and look just like my dad’s side of the family. My kids say our voices sound alike, but that’s about it. We do like a lot of the same things. If I read a good book it’s usually because Hollie did. If I try a new recipe, it’s because Hollie liked it. I bought bright blue skinny jeans because Hollie pulled it off awesome. I can pull it off too right? One thing we do have a ton in common is cooking. I’d say between the two of us, Hollie is the best cook. She makes the best cookies (always has), the best orange rolls by far, and always has the fun new ideas. A few weeks ago we spent 19 hours, to be exact, at her home in Idaho for a baptism. It was a great day, and of course I was wow-ed by a new salad. Really not anything way out there, but it was so tasty! Hollie’s Grape Salad was awesome! Maybe it’s the spicy sweet nuts, or the blue cheese, but it’s a good one. Since the warmer months are just around the corner this will be a great new salad for all the gatherings.
Thanks Hollie for the great new idea. Enjoy friends!!
Looks delicious!