So here it is. The last day of May and I have no inclination in the world to do my visiting teaching. None! Zip! Nada! Don’t I have a good excuse? Dang it…………….I look like Humpty Dumpty, and I am not going to be relieved of that anytime soon. Actually, I’m putting my positive affirmations to work here today. I will have a baby soon. But I’m still not going visiting teaching. I’ll tell my ladies I love them on May 32, 2011. That totally works:)
So instead of visiting teaching I made my favorite dish in the world. As of today that is. Tomorrows favorite will be different, but today it is Pad Thai. And according to my Thai speaking brother in law it is pronounced, “Put Thai”. I try to say it correctly every chance I get. I’m honing my foreign language skills. If you’ve ever been to a Thai restaurant this is one of the safest things on the menu. As a first time Thai restaurant goer 18 years ago, this is the first thing I ever ordered. I remember it coming out with lots of limes, sugar, peanuts, and fish sauce so that you could doctor your dish up just the way you liked it. I remember thinking it was delicious, and I order it almost every time we eat Thai. That’s the good thing about having 4 children. At a Thai restaurant at least one of the dishes can be Pad Thai, as well as a number of other goodies. I’ve noticed as of late, that everything you need for Pad Thai can be purchased at any grocery store. They’ve got it all now a days. I hope you like it, and if you make it sometime soon, as you bless your food, pray I have this baby soon. I’m tired of looking like Humpty Dumpty.
I am suddenly so desperately hungry for pad thai.
Oh that’s what I was planning on making for dinner before I came to the blog. Now that I saw it on the blog I will for sure be making Pad Thai.
I just left Great Harvest and ordered a Rachel. Definitely made me smile and think of you bringing me one to Maceys when you first started making sandwiches.
Good luck holding out these last few days!