I think Fruit Pizza is the most wonderful invention. We had a baby blessing last Sunday. My brother Josh and his wife Katie blessed their new son Isaac. He’s beautiful, and you should have seen Katie. She was beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous actually. Her hair, her blue blouse! I know why Josh loves her! But we actually missed the blessing. By about 10 minutes. That’s how it goes when Jimmy gets caught after a church meeting. But we had a wonderful day with family anyway. It’s so great when the weather is good, the company is good, the food is good, and everyone bringing dessert brings something different. Can I just say that the dessert bringers were in tune with the spirit. Susan brought the most wonderful Chocolate Mint Brownies (I’m going to make them today!), Jess brought yummy Magic Bars (She had a much better name for them though.) Amy brought perfect cookies, and I had a Strawberry Fruit Pizza. We had a little of everything. Not to much chocolate, not to much fruit. It was just right. I told Katie I’d post the Fruit Pizza recipe, but maybe I’ll just replicate all the desserts and post them as well. I’d do that for you:)
Frosting with Sweetened Condensed Milk???? Oh, be still my dimpled thighs!!!