The Best Two Bites You’ll Ever Eat!

These were so yummy!!  During our New Year’s getaway to Bear Naked Lake, my sister in law Katie was in charge of snacks.  She did a bang up job, and of course had all my favorites, but one item she brought surprised me.  She had a gallon Ziploc bag full of mini little banana bread muffins.  They didn’t look like much.  You know.  Just a mini muffin, but they were oh so good.  She opened the bag and I took one to be nice, but then I took another and another, and yet another.  They were soooo good!  Perfect little bites of my favorite bread.  They were so little and perfect to grab, that everyone indulged.  They didn’t last long.  You could see many a child sneak into the kitchen for a little bite or two.  They were the weekend favorite I’m sure.  They were mine.  I vowed right then and there I would have to make these.

I was a little worried since a few weeks before at my house, I had a serious cleaning day.  I had cleaned (with the help of two fabulous cleaners!) the inside and outside of all my kitchen cupboards.  I had rid my home of many and item, and I thought I had disposed of my mini muffin pans.  I think I’d only used them once up to this point and I didn’t see any purpose for them in my life.  I was wrong, and just the other day I found them.  I wasn’t quite as ambitious as I thought.  They did make their way into the disposal pile, but the pile never was disposed of.  Hallelujah!!  I still have mini muffin pans, and I’ve now got the best use for them.  Try this at home.  It’s two bites, and in my book two bites is low calorie delish!  I used my favorite banana bread recipe and it did not dissapoint.  Maybe it was the fact that I used some pretty nasty bananas and a lot of them!  Do make these for your family soon.  You’ll be so glad!  Thanks Katie!!!

Ruth’s Best Banana Bread

1/2 c. shortening (I use butter)
1 c. sugar (I use brown sugar)
2 eggs
2 c. mashed bananas (Don’t skimp or it will just be ok banana bread not spectacular!)
1 t. salt
1 t. baking soda
2 c. flour
1 t. cinnamon (optional)
1/2 c. chopped nuts
Cream shortening and sugar.  Add eggs and bananas.  Add salt and soda to flour and add to the first mix.  Add nuts.  Bake at 350′ F.for 45 mins.  This makes one big loaf.  I use a Camp Chef cast iron bread pan and I love it.  I grease and flour the inside of the pan.  Also really watch and make sure the middle of your bread is done.  Check it with a toothpick or skinny little knife.  It may take longer to bake depending on you oven and pan size.  Good luck!  Oh it’s really good with chocolate chips in it too!
I made this recipe into 48 mini muffins and they baked about 12-13 mins.  Heaven in two bites!



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