Christmas Trifle

We love trifle at our house.  I’ve had it as my birthday cake for my entire life.  I do remember getting a banana bread birthday cake when I was 8.  It had whipped cream frosting and I thought it was delicious, but all the other 8 year old party goers didn’t like it much.  I wonder if they would have liked trifle better:)  So other than that year, trifle has been my birthday “cake” of choice.  I have to admit the reason I have a raspberry patch isn’t so I can have unlimited supplies of jam, but raspberries on hand at all times for trifle.

A few weeks ago we had our annual extended Garner family Christmas party.  It’s always so much fun.  This year we had the best food (as always!), tons of cousin’s, and even Santa made an appearance.  Poor guy had to have every kid sit on his lap……….including babies still being baked.  For the record there were 5 of us!  From the oldest cousin down to the youngest girl cousin and everything in between.  Talk about a fruitful group.  Dessert is what I wanted to talk about though.  The Olson girls were in charge of dessert and they never seem to leave anyone disappointed.  A trifle bar!!!  We had regular strawberry/raspberry trifle, gingerbread trifle, and chocolate Heath Bar trifle.  Delish is all I have to say about it.  Of course we had to try all three.  James went home miserably stuffed.

This last weekend I was asked to bring trifle to the Clawson Christmas party.  James’ brother served an LDS mission to England years ago, and was in charge of the menu.   He likes trifle too.  A lot.  Therefore the Christmas English Trifle.  If you haven’t had trifle in your life…….I’m sorry!  It’s a treat, and it is so pretty.  Layers of cake, fruit, custard, and cream.  How can you go wrong?  All you need is a pretty glass bowl to show off the pretty colors, or a trifle bowl is pretty darn cheap at Wal-Mart.  Enjoy a Christmas Trifle at your house this year.  The good thing is you can experiment with all sorts of flavors, and then decide which is your favorite!

Christmas English Trifle
1 large Angel Food Cake
Mashed Raspberries mixed with 3/4 c. sugar
(I probably had about 4 c. of frozen berries, 3/4 c. sugar, and 1/4 c. water to thin)
Vanilla Pudding
(I usually make a homemade pudding, but Jell-o cooked pudding is fine.  Don’t use the instant pudding.  I use Tapioca Pudding sometimes too.)
Fresh Whipped Cream
Nuts (optional)
In a large glass bowl or Trifle dish layer cake, raspberries, pudding and then repeat 2 more times.  Trifle is best made ahead of time so everything soaks in.  When you’re ready to serve top with whipped cream! YUM!


  1. says

    This sounds yummy! I’ve seen you on KSL and love all your recipes!

    Just an FYI: my hubby served in England, too. We had a lady he met come and visit and she made us an authentic trifle. The cake is actually dried out a little and then flavored gelatin is poured over it and any fruit you desire. The cake soaks it up and it’s actually delicious! (Though I thought it sounded gross at first). Once the gelatin is set, it’s topped with vanilla custard (Bird’s Custard powder imported from England is delicious) and real whipped cream. Our favorite combination is yellow cake, raspberries, and peaches covered and set in raspberry jello.

  2. says

    YUM.. this looks soo soo good! And congratulations on the little baby!! I am pregnant too right now.. due in July!! This spring Audrey and I are coming up to see you all!! Have a merry Christmas! And Congrats again!

  3. says

    I ALWAYS prefer an American trifle to a Bristish as there is more sugar. Our poor tastebuds are so used to the lovely, sweet stuff. So what was in the gingerbread trifle? Sounds intriguing.


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