I love banana bread! I LOVE IT!! But my concern here is that I haven’t found the perfect recipe. Actually I have. There’s two. I just can’t replicate them. In my opinion James makes the best Banana Bread found on the planet at the bakery. Have you tasted it? It is to die for, and every Tues. I cut a warm slice off the bread board and top it with a little butter and I’m in heaven. It is one of those “Great Harvest Moments”. When you taste something so yummy time and place stops. I own the recipe. I paid my franchise fee. I have the recipe, but it just isn’t the same at home. Does that ever happen to you? This last winter I spent a beautiful day skiing with my fabulous neighbor C and guess what she brought for lunch? Yup- Banana Bread. I was on a diet and not eating those kind of things, but I ate a piece. Again……..it was divine! I even have C’s recipe. It’s in her family cookbook. 3/4 of the book is treats. These gals know how to make good stuff, but again, my attempts weren’t that stellar.
So what is it about trying to replicate a recipe. I’ve decided you can always replicate a recipe, but you can’t replicate “the moment”. Eating is more than just the food. There are all those other variables. How hungry you were, where you were, how happy you were, who you were with and so on. I once had my own daughter tell me I needed to get a recipe from my friend E who had brought us over a beautiful Razzleberry Pie. It was my recipe! E had just made it perfect. The pie was a perfect specimen, but the timing was even better. We needed that pie at that moment, and it turned that pie into pure loveliness.
So I’ll keep trying for that perfect banana bread, but I do have one consolation. I’ve nailed this Banana Cake. It’s wonderful every time, and it feeds my need for baked banana loveliness. Maybe it’s the topping, or the yumminess, but I think it’s the fact that this is the first cake I made when I married James that actually turned out good. It’s a no-brainer! Eat some and then you can tackle the world on Banana Bread recipe at a time.
Buttermilk, and then a topping! Are you trying to kill me? That sounds DIVINE!!! I made 24 loaves Sunday, so I think I will pause for a moment. The one I have is vanilla yogurt and sour cream, no butter. Thanks Lisa, I think you are WONDERFUL. You are such a ray of sunshine EVERY TIME I see you.
Okay….. I think my family will LOVE this. My family loves anything with coconut on it
It doesn’t have chocolate in it so I will be okay!! I will serve it with the lovely pasta that Emma loves! Thanks for the recipes Lisa!!
Oh….. BTW…. I am logged on as Melanie. This is really Lori !!
Made it, Loved It! You’re the Best!! Ang