Jed’s trophy!
Handsome boys I’ve got, don’t you think!
Sat. morning the alarm didn’t go off at 5:10am as it was supposed to. Luckily I had been dreaming about running a 1/2 marathon where there were pear tarts, and apple pie, and all sorts of goodies that I ate at every stop. Pretty soon I couldn’t run anymore. All I could do was waddle and I still had 11 miles to go. It was a frightening dream. I woke up because of the stress the dream was causing and luckily I was only 5 minutes behind schedule. Yeah! Good thing I had everything laid out in advance. I was ready in a couple of minutes as well as James, and Jed. Yes you heard it right……James and Jed ran with me too.
I’ve run a few 1/2 marathons with my running gals, but my boys decided to join me this year. I was glad since I’m a bit slower than years past and I thought James and Jed could stay back with me. I don’t know why, but I’ve been sucking wind the last few weeks and I didn’t want to hold the other girls back. Um, maybe it’s the homemade marshmallows, or Lomond View Peanut Butter bars or other delectable treats I’ve been sampling. Just a thought:) James ran with me the whole time and Jed just took off at his own pace. He did awesome!! 1 hour and 54 mins. and 3rd place in his age division! Isn’t that great!! James and I came in a bit later, but I was so happy for Jed who cares if I was slow. Colette and Wendy were cheering me on across the finish line, I saw my best friend from when I was in elementary, and her mom who was one of my favorite YW leaders! I love days like that.
Way to go to all of you! One day I’ll be like you guys and maybe run a marathon . . . yeah, that would be rather nice.
Good job Clawsons! Jed you did great for your first time. George
Good job guys! My mom just told me that my dad finished a 1/2 in 1 hour 40 min… and he runs fast, so good job Jed! Wish I was there to watch!