I know they’re Navajo tacos, but again it is one of those foods that I say phonetically. Sorry if that bugs you. I love Nava Joe tacos. I think they are one of the favorite foods that my mom made when I was a little girl. Before I was born my mom worked at the Indian School in Brigham City teaching 6th grade. I believe the students gave her the recipe and taught her how to make them. Mom if I’m wrong chime in please:) So growing up we had them a lot, that was until my mom started her low fat dieting. The world as we had known it quickly came to an end. No more cinnamon rolls, pies, Navajo Tacos, or anything loaded with fat. It was a sad day, but we quickly got used to it.
The very last time I remember eating Navajo Tacos growing up, was the day I kissed my first boy:) Billy Howard was a few years older, tall and handsome and I thought he was wonderful. He happened to be my aunt’s nephew on the other side of their family and he was visiting them from California. What a glorious life changing moment! I loved Billy Howard, and he loved me, and kissed me ever so sweetly, and then we ate Navajo Tacos to top it all off. In my little mind Navajo Tacos and wonderful boys went hand in hand. Life doesn’t get any better than that. OK, actually I never saw Billy again, he might have forgotten our kiss, but he could never forget the Navajo Tacos we ate that night. To me the fact that my mom made Navajo Tacos one last time before I died, and I was in love, made everything perfect in my world.
We had a little bit of that perfection last Sunday night. I was planning on serving Navajo Tacos at girls camp so I needed to practice to see what I would need for 40 people. What a sacrifice my family gave. They were forced to be the recipients of lovely deep fried dough and taco grease. Divine! I might add that they were a hit a girls camp too. I probably should have quadrupled the amount I made to keep the girls happy. They all ate a taco and then wanted one with butter and jam. Can you blame them? So if you plan on making these, and I don’t know why you wouldn’t, double the batch for some honey butter and jam scones after. Here’s to first kisses and Navajo Tacos. A brilliant combination:)
Sweet Love Nava Joe Tacos
2 c. flour
1 c. water
1 t. salt
2 t. baking powder
That’s it! Super easy. Mix all the ingredients together and then knead until it forms a soft ball. Let it sit 5-10 mins for the dough to relax and then break off a lovely little dough ball and stretch it out. Fry in hot oil until nicely browned. Serve with taco meat, and all the trimmings. Make some extras for honey butter!
yummm that sounds like a great sunday dinner! Thanks… now what is your mom’s name?
Acutally, Lisa, I didn’t teach 6th grade at the Indian School. I was a tutor there for high school girls. They did teach me how to make these greasy tacos and many other things, like did you know you get pregnant from kissing. I never told them any difference. The last time you had them was at your girl’s camp. They loved them then also.
Oops! I meant the taco you had at your girl’s camp when you were in Young Women’s.
Mmm…I love Navajo tacos! What a cute little story. I’m glad you all had a great week at girls camp.
My family’s favorite dinner as well…maybe we’ll have them tonite. Billy Howard was one cute boy. I totally thought he liked me, and than next thing you know he was kissing you. Maybe the 4 year span was too much for him…didn’t bother Sam 7 years later.
you make me smile every time I read your blog ~ you are the cutest girl ever