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	<title>Comments on: TV With A Fabulous Pasta Salad</title>
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	<description>The Life of a Baker&#039;s Wife</description>
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		<title>By: Katie</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 18 Mar 2010 15:14:06 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://clawsonlive.com/tv-with-a-fabulous-pasta-salad/#comment-544</guid>
		<description><![CDATA[Loved it!  You were fabulous!  When are you going to be on again?]]></description>
		<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Loved it!  You were fabulous!  When are you going to be on again?</p>
		<title>By: Ashlee</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 11 Mar 2010 21:47:38 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://clawsonlive.com/tv-with-a-fabulous-pasta-salad/#comment-530</guid>
		<description><![CDATA[Yum. I&#039;m for sure gonna give this one a try. Everything you make Lisa is just so damn good. Thats right. I said dammmn good! You&#039;re an amazing cook. I&#039;ll be watchin tomorrow to see if I see ya! Love ya!]]></description>
		<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Yum. I&#8217;m for sure gonna give this one a try. Everything you make Lisa is just so damn good. Thats right. I said dammmn good! You&#8217;re an amazing cook. I&#8217;ll be watchin tomorrow to see if I see ya! Love ya!</p>
		<title>By: Kris</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 11 Mar 2010 20:55:44 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://clawsonlive.com/tv-with-a-fabulous-pasta-salad/#comment-529</guid>
		<description><![CDATA[Are you on Studio 5 again???? I love your blog...it always makes me smile and my mouth water. Can hardly wait to try this salad. Sounds delish!]]></description>
		<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Are you on Studio 5 again???? I love your blog&#8230;it always makes me smile and my mouth water. Can hardly wait to try this salad. Sounds delish!</p>